Can azoospermia be treated?


Azoospermia is the complete absence of sperms in the semen, that is, the ejaculate which was submitted for analysis.

Azoospermia only means there are no sperms in this particular sample of semen. However, when there are multiple reports of azoospermia, then it has to be treated as azoospermia.

Azoospermia may be broadly categorised into non obstructive and obstructive types.

It is important to note that the quantity of sperms produced inside the testis is much more than that seen in the semen. Hence even when semen analysis shows azoospermia, it is possible that sperm production is still happening inside the testis.

In non obstructive azoospermia, the production of sperms is very less and so not enough to be seen in semen. In obstructive azoospermia, the production is normal but the passage is blocked and so sperms do not enter the semen.

The bottomline is that sperm production is usually good in obstructive azoospermia while in non obstructive azoospermia the sperm production is typically reduced.

This distinction is based on patient profile, physical examination, semen parameters and male reproductive hormones, followed by advanced genetic analysis. This is followed by surgical sperm retrieval or repair of block in the passage of sperms whenever feasible.

Sperms retrieved by sperm retrieval techniques can be successfully used for ICSI, using the partner’s eggs retrieved under anesthesia and embryos are formed.



Dr Karthikeyan - Uro-Andrologist, Chennai, India
Dr Karthikeyan - Uro-Andrologist, Chennai, India

Written by Dr Karthikeyan - Uro-Andrologist, Chennai, India

I am a Urologist, with special expertise in Andrology & Men’s Health — Deals with Sperm problems & Infertility, including Microsurgery and Erectile Dysfunction

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